Social Distanced Science
Branding and Digital Design
With COVID-19 causing many cancellations of in-person events across the world, The Perot Museum found a way to bring its signature 18+ event, Social Science, to a home setting. The Museum held a live broadcast event offering talks from members of its distinguished staff, trivia, how-to’s, and even debunking of Hollywood movie myths involving dinosaurs.
I was tasked with branding this first of its kind event, along with creating various graphics for use throughout the broadcast. An animated logotype was created, reflecting the socially distanced nature of the event. Lower-thirds graphics were created and customized for each speaker, while animated intro and outros bookend the broadcast. Even the Museum’s social media accounts received matching animated posts.
Animated Logotype
Lower-thirds were created for each speaker for the event.
Intro and Outro animations for the broadcast.
Animated advertisement for Instagram Stories
On-screen cocktail recipe graphic and screen shot of the broadcast.